The Game is called Failure. The Art Test was a win. They loved it but it turned out they couldn't afford me. Lesson learned. Next time get down to the money first and do the art test later.
The next thing is a background for a landing page from a publisher called United States Publishing.
And last but not least I am now allowed to publish my artwork from a longterm client named Stephan Shafer. Stephan and I have been working together for a long time so these artworks are more than a year old. We are still working together and since he has now an art studio I will become port of it and my art will get promoted on his website. More on that when his website is up.

I created a few more and they all serve a specific purpose. For example the drone can catch zombies and transport them into these small houses in the background.
The car on top would be the standard vehicle.

And last but not least I created a whole bunch of weapons from rifles to grenades to swords and axes. The game will be nice and brutal I guess. :)
You may find some more on the props and vehicles page.